Question: What is meant by 'compensated shock' and 'decompensated shock'?


Question: What is meant by 'compensated shock' and 'decompensated shock'?

Answer: The descriptions of compensated and decompensated shock are:

Compensated shock:

  • Cardiorespiratory function compensates to maintain the delivery of oxygenated blood to vital organs (e.g. brain, heart, kidneys)
  • Characteristic signs include a progressive increase in respiratory rate and heart rate with cool extremities due to vasoconstriction
  • Exhaustion may occur, which rapidly leads to decompensation

Decompensated shock:

  • Compensatory mechanisms reach their limit and the oxygen supply to vital organs is no longer adequate
  • Characteristic and dangerous signs include confusion (poor brain perfusion) and low urine output (poor perfusion of the kidneys)
  • Decompensation leads to cardiorespiratory failure (hypotension, apnoea, bradycardia)