01 Teamworking and communication
01_01 The anaesthetist and the theatre team
01_02 Anaesthetic record keeping
01_03 Preparation and usage of equipment and drugs
02 Preparation for anaesthesia
02_01 General preoperative measures
02_02 Preoperative assessment 1: History taking
02_03 Preoperative assessment 2: Physical examination
02_04 Preoperative assessment 3: Surgical urgency
02_05 Preoperative assessment 4: Investigations
02_06 Risk and consent
03 The airway and anaesthesia
03_01 Prediction of difficult airway
03_02 Airway maintenance: Facemask
03_03 Airway maintenance: cLMA
03_04 Airway maintenance: Tracheal tube 1
03_05 Airway maintenance: Tracheal tube 2
03_06 Preoxygenation
03_07 Rapid sequence induction
03_08 Management of failed intubation
03_09 Airway obstruction
03_10 Inhalation induction - Overview
03_11 Clinical signs during inhalational induction
03_12 Post extubation airway difficulties
03_13 Simple management of difficult intubation
04 Maintaining anaesthesia
04_01 Ventilated by ETT
04_02 Reversal and extubation
04_03 Standards of monitoring during anaesthesia and recovery
04_04 Perioperative analgesia
04_05 Ketamine anaesthesia (adults)
05 Intravenous fluids
05_01 IV fluid therapy
05_02 Haemorrhage and hypovolaemia
06 Paediatric anaesthesia
06_01 Maintenance fluids in the perioperative period
06_02 Preoperative assessment child
06_03 Recognition and initial management of the critically ill child 1
06_04 Recognition and initial management of the critically ill child 2
06_05 Ketamine use in children
06_06 Perioperative analgesia in children
07 Equipment
07_01 Non invasive blood pressure monitoring (NIBP)
07_02 Draw-over anaesthesia systems
07_03 Using the Lifebox oximeter: 1 The basics
07_04 Using the Lifebox oximeter: 2 Advanced
08 Obstetric anaesthesia
08_01 Physiological changes during pregnancy
08_02 Choice of anaesthetic technique
08_03 Preoperative assessment of obstetric patients
08_04 Spinal anaesthesia in obstetric patients
08_05 General anaesthesia for the obstetric patient
08_06 Recognition and initial management of the critically ill obstetric patient
08_07 Obstetric haemorrhage
08_08 Obstetric sepsis
08_09 Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia
08_10 Obstetric Early warning scores. Tutorial 1 - the basics
08_11 Obstetric Early Warning scores. Tutorial 2 -advanced
09 Regional anaesthesia
09_01 Spinals and Epidurals: Indications and Contraindications
09_02 Performing spinal and epidural injections
09_03 Complications of spinals and epidurals
09_04 Inguinal block
09_05 Preparation for spinal anaesthesia
09_06 Spinal in non-obstetric patient
09_07 Local anaesthetic toxicity
09_08 Total spinal
10 Critical incidents
10_01 Respiratory problems
10_02 Management of intra-operative hypotension and hypertension
11 Postoperative care
11_01 Overview of recovery
11_02 Safe handover of patients to recovery team
11_03 Slow and failed recovery
11_04 Post anaesthetic care unit
11_05 Early Warning Scoring systems
12 Critical Care
12_01 Initial management of trauma patient
12_02 Recognition and initial management of the critically ill adult
12_03 Setting up a High Dependency Unit
13 Infection Control
13_01 Care of airway equipment
13_02 Hand washing
13_03 Safe sharps disposal
14 Basic science: Anatomy
14_01 Anatomy of the airway
14_02 Anatomy of the lungs and respiratory system
14_03 The heart and major vessels
15 Basic science: Physiology
15_01 The cardiovascular system
15_02 Respiratory system
15_03 Oxygen transport and consumption
15_04 The neuromuscular junction
15_05 The autonomic nervous system
16 Basic science: Pharmacology
16_01 IV anaesthetic agents
16_02 Inhalational anaesthetic agents
16_03 Neuromuscular blocking agents
16_04 Local Anaesthetic Agents
16_05 Drugs Used in an Emergency
16_06 IV fluids
16_07 Premedication
17 Basic science: Physics and measurement
17_01 Gases and vapours
17_02 Electrical safety
17_03 Medical Maths
Search e-library
01 Basic science: Anatomy
02 Basic science: Physiology
03 Basic science: Pharmacology
04 Basic science: Physics and clinical measurement
05 Anaesthesia: General
06 Anaesthesia: Specialist topics
07 Anaesthesia: Obstetrics
08 Anaesthesia: Paediatrics
09 Anaesthesia: Regional
10 Pain medicine
11 Medical and surgical conditions
12 Critical care
13 Critical incidents
14 Emergency algorithms
15 Equipment
16 Miscellaneous topics
Video libraries
1 Paediatric Basic Airway
2 Paediatric Laryngeal Mask Airway
3 Paediatric Intubation
4 Paediatric Extubation
5 Paediatric GA and Ketamine
6 Paediatric Caudal
7 Paediatric Miscellaneous
8 Spinal Anaesthesia
9 Airway Laryngeal Mask Cricothyroidotomy
10 Intubation and Extubation
11 Ketamine
12 GA Caesarean Section Nepal
13 Other Basic Techniques
How to use this resource
e-library - 11 Medical and surgical conditions
Abdominal compartment syndrome
Tutorial of the Week
Acute coronary syndrome
Tutorial of the Week
Acute coronary syndromes
Acute coronary syndromes
BJA Education
Acute pancreatitis
Tutorial of the Week
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
Tutorial of the Week
Adult epilepsy and anaesthesia
BJA Education
The adult patient with hyponatraemia
Air leaks, pneumothorax, and chest drains
Alcoholic liver disease
Anaesthesia and adrenocortical disease
Anaesthesia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Tutorial of the Week
Anaesthesia and morbid obesity
Anaesthesia and the parathyroid gland
Tutorial of the Week
Anaesthetic implications of chemotherapy
Anaesthetising the malnourished patient
Update in Anaesthesia
Anticoagulation and intercranial bleeds
Tutorial of the Week
Asthma and anaesthesia
Tutorial of the Week
Atrial fibrillation
Atrial fibrillation and anaesthesia
Update in Anaesthesia
Carcinoid the disease and its implications for anaesthesia
Cardiomyopathy and anaesthesia
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and anaesthesia
Chronic renal failure and anaesthesia
Update in Anaesthesia
Developments in the management of acute ischaemic stroke: implications for anaesthetic and critical care management
Diabetes and adult surgical inpatients
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Tutorial of the Week
Patients with suspected pulmonary thromboembolism
Elderly patients and anaesthesia
Update in Anaesthesia
Emergency abdominal surgery
Update in Anaesthesia
Haemoglobinopathy and sickle cell disease
Haemorrhage shock
Update in Anaesthesia
Heart disease
Update in Anaesthesia
Heart failure
Tutorial of the Week
Heart failure: pathophysiology, risk assessment, community management and anaesthesia
Hepatorenal syndrome
Tutorial of the Week
HIV and anaesthesia
Update in Anaesthesia
Hypertension and anaesthesia
Update in Anaesthesia
Hypertension in anaesthesia
Tutorial of the Week
Hypertension: pathophysiology and perioperative implications
BJA Education
Hypertension: pathophysiology and treatment
Infective endocarditis
Initial management of acute spinal cord injury
Latex allergy
Update in Anaesthesia
Liver disease and anaesthesia
Update in Anaesthesia
Malaria for the anaesthetist
Update in Anaesthesia
Malaria for the anaesthetist
Tutorial of the Week
Management of acute liver failure
Management of acute upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage
Tutorial of the Week
Management of blunt thoracic trauma
Management of tetanus
Tutorial of the Week
Massive haemoptysis
Tutorial of the Week
Medical management of bleeding in critically ill patients
Necrotizing fasciitis
Tutorial of the Week
Neurogenic pulmonary oedema
Neuromuscular disorders and anaesthesia
Tutorial of the Week
Neuromuscular disorders and anaesthesia. Part 1: generic anaesthetic management
Neuromuscular disorders and anaesthesia. Part 2: specific neuromuscular disorders
Nosocomial pneumonia
Tutorial of the Week
Obesity and anaesthesia
Update in Anaesthesia
Perioperative management of antiplatelet drugs
Update in Anaesthesia
Perioperative management of cardiovascular drugs
Update in Anaesthesia
Pulmonary aspiration of gastric content
Tutorial of the Week
Pus in the thorax: management of empyema and lung abscess
Pulmonary hypertension
Respiratory disease and anaesthesia
Update in Anaesthesia
Rheumatoid arthritis and anaesthesia
Update in Anaesthesia
Right ventricular failure
Seratonin syndrome
Tutorial of the Week
Sickle cell disease and anaesthesia
Update in Anaesthesia
Smoking and the surgical patient
Supraventricular tachyarrhythmias and their management in the perioperative period
Surgical hypertensive patient
Thoracic trauma
Tutorial of the Week
Traumatic brain injury: an evidence-based review of management
Tuberculosis: the implications for anaesthesia
South Afr J Anaesth Analg 305 2013;19(6)
Valvular heart disease
Tutorial of the Week
Venous thromboembolism, risks and prevention