e-library - 11 Medical and surgical conditions
Title Journal
Abdominal compartment syndrome Tutorial of the Week
Acute coronary syndrome Tutorial of the Week
Acute coronary syndromes CEACCP
Acute coronary syndromes BJA Education
Acute pancreatitis Tutorial of the Week
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) Tutorial of the Week
Adult epilepsy and anaesthesia BJA Education  
The adult patient with hyponatraemia CEACCP
Air leaks, pneumothorax, and chest drains CEACCP
Alcoholic liver disease CEACCP
Anaesthesia and adrenocortical disease CEACCP
Anaesthesia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Tutorial of the Week
Anaesthesia and morbid obesity CEACCP
Anaesthesia and the parathyroid gland Tutorial of the Week
Anaesthetic implications of chemotherapy CEACCP
Anaesthetising the malnourished patient Update in Anaesthesia
Anticoagulation and intercranial bleeds Tutorial of the Week
Asthma and anaesthesia Tutorial of the Week
Atrial fibrillation CEACCP
Atrial fibrillation and anaesthesia Update in Anaesthesia
Carcinoid the disease and its implications for anaesthesia CEACCP
Cardiomyopathy and anaesthesia CEACCP
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and anaesthesia CEACCP
Chronic renal failure and anaesthesia Update in Anaesthesia
Developments in the management of acute ischaemic stroke: implications for anaesthetic and critical care management CEACCP
Diabetes and adult surgical inpatients CEACCP
Diabetic ketoacidosis Tutorial of the Week
Patients with suspected pulmonary thromboembolism CEACCP
Elderly patients and anaesthesia Update in Anaesthesia
Emergency abdominal surgery Update in Anaesthesia
Haemoglobinopathy and sickle cell disease CEACCP
Haemorrhage shock Update in Anaesthesia
Heart disease Update in Anaesthesia
Heart failure Tutorial of the Week
Heart failure: pathophysiology, risk assessment, community management and anaesthesia CEACCP
Hepatorenal syndrome Tutorial of the Week
HIV and anaesthesia Update in Anaesthesia
Hypertension and anaesthesia Update in Anaesthesia
Hypertension in anaesthesia Tutorial of the Week
Hypertension: pathophysiology and perioperative implications BJA Education
Hypertension: pathophysiology and treatment CEACCP
Infective endocarditis CEACCP
Initial management of acute spinal cord injury CEACCP
Latex allergy Update in Anaesthesia
Liver disease and anaesthesia Update in Anaesthesia
Malaria for the anaesthetist Update in Anaesthesia
Malaria for the anaesthetist Tutorial of the Week
Management of acute liver failure CEACCP
Management of acute upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage Tutorial of the Week
Management of blunt thoracic trauma CEACCP
Management of tetanus Tutorial of the Week
Massive haemoptysis Tutorial of the Week
Medical management of bleeding in critically ill patients CEACCP
Necrotizing fasciitis Tutorial of the Week
Neurogenic pulmonary oedema CEACCP
Neuromuscular disorders and anaesthesia Tutorial of the Week
Neuromuscular disorders and anaesthesia. Part 1: generic anaesthetic management CEACCP
Neuromuscular disorders and anaesthesia. Part 2: specific neuromuscular disorders CEACCP
Nosocomial pneumonia Tutorial of the Week
Obesity and anaesthesia Update in Anaesthesia
Perioperative management of antiplatelet drugs Update in Anaesthesia
Perioperative management of cardiovascular drugs Update in Anaesthesia
Pulmonary aspiration of gastric content Tutorial of the Week
Pus in the thorax: management of empyema and lung abscess CEACCP
Pulmonary hypertension CEACCP
Respiratory disease and anaesthesia Update in Anaesthesia
Rhabdomyolysis CEACCP
Rheumatoid arthritis and anaesthesia Update in Anaesthesia
Right ventricular failure CEACCP
Seratonin syndrome Tutorial of the Week
Sickle cell disease and anaesthesia Update in Anaesthesia
Smoking and the surgical patient CEACCP
Supraventricular tachyarrhythmias and their management in the perioperative period CEACCP
Surgical hypertensive patient CEACCP
Thoracic trauma Tutorial of the Week
Traumatic brain injury: an evidence-based review of management CEACCP
Tuberculosis: the implications for anaesthesia South Afr J Anaesth Analg 305 2013;19(6)
Valvular heart disease Tutorial of the Week
Venous thromboembolism, risks and prevention CEACCP